Sunday, May 12, 2024

CCL6 - A snapshot in May 2024


5 May 2024 - An overview of the street level structures at Keppel station.

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the Cantonment station worksite.

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the Prince Edward Road station site.

5 May 2024 - A view of the backfilling & reinstatement works underway along the cut & cover
tunnel section between Prince Edward Road & Marina Bay stations.

It's been a while since we caught up with the progress being made over at the Circle Line 6 stations. As such, we're bring you an early update on the goings on in the early part of May, since our last update on the section was in February.

CC30 - Keppel (Contract 882)
In a nutshell: Backfilling work has been completed for the station, with the focus now shifting to the completion of the street-level structures. It is anticipated that escalators should be installed at the station exits shortly before works continue on the roof structures.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

CC31 - Cantonment (Contract 883)
In a nutshell: The entire platform canopies for both tracks at the old railway station have been moved back into their original places atop the future station. Work at the various station exits are continuing, with the surface structures visible for 3 of the 4 exits.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

CC32 - Prince Edward Road (Contract 885)
In a nutshell: The station exits have had the escalators installed in. Work continues on the casting of the ventilation buildings along the site perimeter.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

Cut & Cover tunnels in Marina Bay (Contract 886)
In a nutshell: Backfilling works are completed and road realignment is now being carried out. The slip roads connecting to the Marina Coastal Expressway are being reinstated to the original locations before work commenced.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

A similar, simplified version of this post is also available on Instagram & Facebook.

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