Monday, May 13, 2024

C882 - Keppel update May 2024

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the Keppel station site.

 Three months since we last checked in at Keppel station, things have progressed - as they rightly should. Backfilling works of the station site were completed with several of the street level surface structures now visible. Noise barriers near Exits 1 and 2 have also been taken down, now that the noisier works have been completed. The disappearance of these barriers allows closer looks at the station's construction as work on the exits progress.

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the street level structures of Keppel station seen from a distance.

5 May 2024 - Progress of backfilling works at the station's eastern end.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024 - The first of the station's street level structures from the eastern end.

5 May 2024 - Ongoing casting works taking place.

5 May 2024 - Further street level surface structures.

5 May 2024 - Lift shafts for Exit 1 being cast while the dedicated access to the underground
bicycle parking can be seen.

5 May 2024 - An aerial view to the west of the station site.

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the Exit 2 site across Keppel Road.

5 May 2024  - An aerial view to the east of the station site.

Exit 1
This exit will feature access to an underground bicycle parking area within the station. As seen along the Thomson-East Coast Line's phase 4, larger dedicated lifts are provided for cyclists to access the parking facility. The shafts for these lifts have already been cast and are visible from Keppel Road. Comparatively, the exit's passenger lift is still being cast nearby. Additionally, an access ramp to the 3 lifts is already cast. Slightly further west is the location of the exit's staircase and escalator pits. Escalators have not yet be installed and with the exit structure mostly completed, are likely to be the next stage of construction. Following their installation, work can begin on the exit's roof which is anticipated to be assembled from pre-fabricated metal components.

5 May 2024 - A view of the exit's lift shafts under construction.

5 May 2024 - A view from another angle showing the exit int he ditance.

5 May 2024 - The ramp to the bicycle park access can be seen.

5 May 2024 - The ramp seen from a different angle. Concrete stumps can be seen demarcated
by yellow boxes. These will likely support covered linkways above.

5 May 2024 - The exit's perimeter wall can be seen.

Exit 2
This exit sits across Keppel Road from Exit 1 and features a mined tunnel underneath the roadway. The lift shaft for the exit has been cast and the podium for stair and escalator entry into the station also completed. Similar to the next stage of construction at Exit 1, we expect escalator installation to commence shortly, with roof works following after.

5 May 2024 - A view of the lift shaft already cast, from across Keppel Road.

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the work site for the exit.

5 May 2024 - A close up view of the station's stairs to the exit's podium.

5 May 2024

Exit 3
The final exit for the station, at the eastern end was seeing the casting of permanent structures for the lift shaft area. The podium housing the escalator pits and staircase, though, has essentially been completed. Stubs where the metal roof supports will be installed for the exit's roof and/or covered linkways can be seen next to the podium's low wall facing Keppel Road.

5 May 2024 - Casting works for the exit's lift shaft underway.

5 May 2024 - Part of the lift shaft structure which will be separate from the rest of the exit.

5 May 2024 - A view to the east showing the distance between the escalator & stairs of the exit
from the lift.

5 May 2024 - A clear view of the stairway descending into the exit.

5 May 2024 - Stairs going up to the exit's podium.

5 May 2024 - The next stage of construction will see escalators being installed.

With backfilling works completed at the station and the three exits progressing to being ready for escalator installation, we are excited for the next round of updates which should see work progressing to the next stage of construction. With the escalators installed, fit-out works can commence with works commencing on architectural, electrical & mechanical works. Do stay tuned for more updates on the last stage of the Circle Line!

This post will also be available on Instagram & Facebook on 15 May 2024.

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