Tuesday, May 21, 2024

C883 - Cantonment update May 2024


 5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the Cantonment station work site with the platform canopies of
the old railway station fully reinstated to their original positions.

In the three months since our last visit to Cantonment station, there have been several changes. First of all, the platform canopies for the former railway station's platforms have been moved back into their original positions entirely. Secondly, the cooling tower structure is taking place with the metal frame for the louvres and roof put in place. And thirdly, the street-level surface structures of the various exits are beginning to take shape. We delve into the progress made in greater detail in this post.

Kicking things off, we're looking at the main station box site. Formerly constructed through donut-shaped diaphragm walls, the site was subsequently back-filled and all segments of the former railway station's platform canopies have been moved back into place from the staging site. Work has been going on to connect these back to the original supports and restoration work undertaken to ensure that the portions chipped away to allow storage are now being seamlessly repaired. Several of the segments have had their temporary supports removed and are now once again supported by the columns that once stood along the station's platforms.

Some work was still going on for street level surface structures around the site, mostly where subways are located and connecting to Exits 2 & 3. These may likely aid with ventilation once the subways are completed.

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the Cantonment station site showing the Exit 2 site and cooling
tower site as well.

5 May 2024 - Reinstatement work underway for the old railway station's platform canopy.

5 May 2024 - Ongoing work for other street level surface structures.

5 May 2024 - A close up of the old railway station's platform canopies, still protected from the
elements by corrugated metal sheets.

5 May 2024 - A view of the work ongoing at the old railway station platforms.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024 - An opening to the connecting subway to Exit 2.

5 May 2024

Exit 1
Designed in similar fashion to Exit A of Rochor station, the exit will feature a set of 2 lifts and a staircase to connect to the subway level below. The exit's structure will see a circular design and this is already evident from the casting of the permanent structures - even the ramp connecting to the lift landing is curved. At this stage, it appears that work is still ongoing within the structure and the lift shaft frames have not been installed yet. We expect that metal frames will be used instead of concrete shafts here.

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the circular Exit 1, which will be served by 2 lifts.

5 May 2024 - A spiral staircase also provides access into the station.

5 May 2024 - A view into the exit's shaft.

Exit 2
This exit has seen tremendous progress with the podium for escalator and stair access being mostly completed, save for the access stairs as part of flood prevention measures. Further south, the lift lobby is enclosed in protective scaffolding as the permanent structure at street level is cast within. It is expected that like the exits at Keppel station, metal roof frames will be used to complete the rest of the structure. These are likely to be installed after escalator installation is completed.

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the podium for the exit.

5 May 2024 - The next stage of construction will see the installation of escalators.

5 May 2024 - A view into the exit towards the subway.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of the ramp for access to the exit's lift.

5 May 2024 - The lift lobby being cast within the protective scaffolding.

5 May 2024

Exit 3
This here, is likely to be the slowest moving of all the station's exits with the permanent structure still being cast. During the time of our visit, rebar works were still being carried out ahead of formwork installation for subsequent casting. It was also possible to see the sloped rebar, upon which the escalators and stairs will sit in future. Thus, there still remains a fair amount of work before the exit can achieve a level of completion that the others have accomplished already.

5 May 2024 - A view of Exit 3's work site from street level.

5 May 2024 - Rebar visible ahead of casting work.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

5 May 2024 - The sloped rebar will be where the escalators and stairs will sit in future.

Exit 4
The final exit of the station just may be the most advanced in progress among the lot. It it also the only exit that connects directly to the station box without any connecting subways that needed to be mined, which may have contributed to its advanced development. A metal lift shaft frame can clearly be seen installed at street level, likely indicating that escalator installation may not be too far away.

5 May 2024 - An aerial view of Exit 4 with the lift shaft frame installed visible.

5 May 2024 - Exit 4's structures seen from street level.

5 May 2024 - The lift shaft frame installed visible.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024 - A view of the exit at street level with the podium and lift shaft clearly seen.

5 May 2024 - Entrance steps to the podium where escalators and stairs can be accessed.

5 May 2024

Cooling tower
One of the final components is the cooling tower - an often unseen and unthought of part of the station infrastructure that plays a vital role in creating a comfortable environment for all users within. Set into the hill next to Exit 3, the structure has seen the installation of the metal roof frame. Some piping can be seen installed as well but the actual condenser units have yet to be installed. These are likely to be put in place before works on the louvres takes place.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

5 May 2024

5 May 2024 - Green piping visible at the cooling tower facility, however no condenser units have
been installed yet.

5 May 2024

5 May 2024 - A rough map of the site. The light dotted lines indicate the location of connecting
subways to the cooling tower and Exit 3.

Overall, the station has made great progress - especially with the various street level structures for the exits. We look forward to the next milestone of having escalators and lift shaft frames installed which will herald the start of roof construction at the exits too. Do stay tuned as we continue to provide periodic updates of the progress along this stage of the line.

This post will also be available on Instagram & Facebook on 22 May 2024.

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